Kroo Sports is a completely FREE sports gaming, fan engagement, and rewards app that allows users to redeem FREE NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL tickets by predicting the outcomes of LIVE MLB player at-bats and LIVE NFL team drives. Kroo also features no-risk betting contests, multi-sport daily pick'ems, daily fantasy contests, and traditional trivia.
Kroo Sports is the sports fan’s one-stop shop for gaming and rewards. Kroo gives back to its users by awarding them Kroo Credits for competing in our games. Users then use those Kroo Credits to redeem MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL game tickets in our Kroo Store. Kroo is completely risk free. We do not ask for or require any monetary deposits in order to participate in our games. Every contest is FREE to enter. The more you use Kroo, the more Kroo Credits you earn and the more tickets you’ll be able to redeem.
* MLB 6 OUTS - Predict the outcomes of player at-bats during LIVE MLB games! Play from
your couch or from inside your favorite team's MLB stadium. Earn points for correct
predictions and climb the leaderboard to take home HUGE credit prizes!
* NFL 6 DRIVES - Predict the outcomes of team drives during LIVE NFL games! Play from
your couch or from inside your favorite team's NFL stadium. Earn points for correct
predictions and climb the leaderboard to take home HUGE credit prizes!
* Think you’re a wise guy? Use Kroo Chips to wager against spreads or totals. Climb the
leaderboard by building your chip count and win HUGE credit prizes!
* Compete in daily fantasy games featuring simple and easy $15 salary cap games. Place
on the leaderboard and win BIG!
* Play daily multi-sport pick'em contests
* Test your sports knowledge with current and historic sports trivia
* Trade in your Kroo Credits for FREE tickets to the NBA, NFL, MLB or NHL games of your
choice. Don’t have enough credits to get a completely FREE ticket? Then put whatever
amount you have towards the tickets you want and watch the price dramatically
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Twitter: @KrooSportsApp
Instagram: @KrooSportsApp
Kroo Sports是一款完全免费的体育游戏,粉丝参与和奖励应用程序,可让用户通过预测LIVE MLB球员的实战成绩和LIVE NFL球队的成绩来兑换免费的NBA,NFL,MLB和NHL门票。 Kroo还举办无风险博彩比赛,每日多场体育博彩,每日幻想比赛和传统琐事。
Kroo Sports是体育迷的一站式商店,提供游戏和奖励。 Kroo通过奖励用户在我们的游戏中获得Kroo积分来回馈用户。然后,用户可以使用这些Kroo积分在我们的Kroo商店中兑换MLB,NBA,NFL和NHL游戏门票。 Kroo完全没有风险。我们不要求也不要求任何现金存款来参与我们的游戏。每次比赛均可免费参加。您使用Kroo的次数越多,您赚取的Kroo积分越多,可以兑换的门票越多。
* MLB 6出局-预测LIVE MLB游戏中玩家的蝙蝠作战结果!从播放
* NFL 6 DRIVES-在实况NFL游戏中预测团队运动的结果!从播放
*参加每日幻想游戏,这些游戏提供简单易用的$ 15工资上限游戏。地点